Dan Mihacevich

With the flexibility in custom packaging, being innovative in creating and implementing new systems is essential. That's why I chose my career in the packing industry. Over the past two decades, I have had the opportunity to grow with this industry and with M-Line, Inc. Having worked in every position, I've gotten to know every aspect of this company. I am very proficient and process-oriented - traits that serve me well as VP of Operations. Working at M-Line, I have had the chance to meet some great people. I enjoy working with our customers, many of whom have been with us for more than 30 years. I find satisfaction in helping them find the right custom packaging solutions and having a hand in their success. The people I work with every day are the best in the industry and are a joy to collaborate with.

The Cost of Rust: Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore It

August 17, 2020

For companies who deal with metal and metal parts, rust can quickly become a big problem. It delays production, shuts down assembly lines, increases..

The Story of M-Line: 30+ Years As a Family-Owned Business

June 26, 2020

M-Line is - and always has been - a family-owned business. It’s at the heart of what we do and how we conduct ourselves internally and with customers.